Feeling grateful Friday


Continuing with my Friday tradition, I’m sharing 5 things that make me grateful. I’d love to hear your list in the comments section. But first, some links that caught my eye this week:

1. I’m grateful for good friends. I was feeling a bit low one night this week due to some nagging pregnancy discomfort, and a well-timed text message from a good friend rescued me from an entire evening of the blues.

2. I’m grateful for the sun, which made an appearance after a rainy week in Boulder and a foggy few days in San Francisco. I even got to wear a dress today. Without leggings. Bliss.

3. I’m grateful to have found this blogging community. I’ve followed blogs for years, but I’ve never really dipped my own toes in until now. The water’s fine! Thank you all for your support.

4. I’m grateful to be expecting at around the same time as some good friends. Their support and advice has been incredibly helpful and reassuring, and it makes me so happy to imagine our babies growing up to be friends.

5. I’m grateful for my job and wonderful supervisor. I love my work, and my supervisor worked hard to get me a raise. I’m feeling challenged, valued, and a sense of ownership. What else could I ask for?

(Photo credit: Jenny Downing, Flickr)